
Check back regularly to get the latest news about our store and our products. Since we just launched our web-site; it is a work in progress. We will be adding and tweeking each page until we believe we got it right. If you run into an unfinished page, worry not, we will be finishing it soon.

Coming Soon

As we develop our new web-site we will be adding options to our cargo nets to help with installation. Options such as loops, tails and links that can be made right onto your net.

Expanded website

We're excited about our new website! All of our latest information and best deals can now be found online.

Nets R US

New Windsor, MD 21776 


Phone: (410)635-2727

Opening Hours:

9am-5pm Monday thru Friday


Don't Forget The Hardware

Check out our hardware section for some rigging hardware that may help with  your installation. 

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© Copyright 2012, All Rights Reserved. Nets R Us, New Windsor, MD 21776 Phone:(410)635-2727 Fax:(410)635-6529

